Monday, October 20, 2008

Supper or stay hungry?

Robert was walking down the lane one day in the night. He wanted to buy himself some supper from a stall across the street as he was hungry. The night was so dark that he could not see an uncovered manhole. He fell into the hole and injured himself. It was a bad experience for him.

Some 2 weeks later. He felt hungry again and really wanted to get himself a loaf of bread. However, he decided to stay home because he did not want to fall into the manhole again. He could not sleep as he had an empty stomach that night.

Does our past experience help us to believe we can do better in the future or help us to prove we will not succeed? Do we have a choice?

Many people know that a SJ often makes decision and judgment based on his or her past experience as well as experience by others.

Well, it is definitely a safe move as it will not let them fall again. Let me put across the same question from another perspective. Does that help us to make a correct decision?

If we look at things based on our past experience and decide to improve on it so to make it work better this time, I guess it does help us to get nearer to our goals and see eventual success.

If we decide to base our past experience and start proving it will not work at all and abort the plan, we will lose an opportunity to succeed.

While it takes a person with great wisdom to learn from past experiences; being pre-framed with our past experience does not help us to grow further or even distance ourselves from success.

If Robert would learn from his past experience and carried a torchlight with him, he would have enjoyed a delicious supper and slept well that night.

I guess a SP would have gone out and fall into the manhole again..... And again......till they learn from an NT. An NT will analyze and find ways not to fall again.

If Robert were to tell himself, “I will be able to reach the stall this time,” will he try crossing the road again?

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